Hybrid Assist

VERS Mild Hybrid System recovers electric
energy during braking with up to 10 kW of
power and uses it to assist the main engine
during acceleration and power electronic devices.
The System is optimised for TCO —
by enabling gains in driveline efficiency,
it translates to fuel savings and higher
reliability in operational city bus conditions.

Affordable Hybrid

New advancements in carbon electrodes
in supercapacitors enabled Energy Recovery
with up to 99% efficiency, a new standard
for the City Bus industry.
Mild Hybrid System provides a reliable
solution for lowering emissions while
maintaining the best-in-class Total Cost
of Ownership (TCO) for the final Customer.
VERS Dashboard IOT

Monitoring Results

VERS Mild Hybrid System has been
rigorously tested with a leading OEM
– both in everyday conditions and at
certified testing grounds (IDIADA, Spain).
Each VERS Mild Hybrid System is equipped
with a standard Monitoring unit, delivering
monthly reports on savings achieved, driving
style and more to your email.

Customer Support

We have over 50+ years of experience
working with Automotive companies,
implementing multiple advanced technologies
tailored to Customers needs.
We are happy to provide a simulation
of the TCO savings for your fleet,
given your route profile and yearly mileage.

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